cheapest way to get hemi 3g going?

There are a few benefits to Megasquirt:

1. Educational value, by the time you're done installing and tuning it you will truly understand how electronic fuel injection works. Right now fuel injection is largely a black box that simply works. Nothing wrong with that, it's kind of like calculating and experimenting with jets, metering rods, and power valves in carburetors, some guys want to figure out all that stuff while other guys simply want to call a carb shop and tell them their combination and bolt it on.

2. You'll save anywhere from $100.00 to $500.00. Not a lot but it adds up.

3. You'll have a fully programable setup that will meet a variety of needs. For example, MS can control staged nitrous oxide systems, allow for "flat shifting," and data logging for trouble shooting.

Benefits to Hot-Wires solution.

1. Truly plug and play that has a good reputation. The computer is fully encased and can be mounted anywhere and will not be affected by moisture or vibration.

2. Works really well with stock or near stock setups. Reliable HP. If your performance goals only include headers and a mild cam, this is probably the best solution. Yes, some tuning solutions exist, but this would be at an additional cost, raising the total price of Hot-Wire Solution another $300.00 to $400.00.

3. Wiring requires the hook up of only four wires. All the other terminals simply plug into coils, injectors or sensors.

Hope this clarifies something. There are some real risks and rewards with MS.


Joe Dokes

I can also say approx the same thing about the (used) Holley system I'm fiddlin' with, and in fact, now drive every day. (Dry today and 30'sF, just drove to lunch)

Holley Commander system bought used 350.00

Sent to Holley to upgrade firmware / software 130.00

Innovate wideband O2 kit, 160.00

Obsolete--IBM--Thinkpad--that--I've--had--for--I--can't--remember--say, 50 bucks??

Misc hose, connectors, etc, say, another hundred?

Bear in mind that while my current setup is TBI, this system is fully capable of mpi, although, batch fired. It can be configured for a number of different ignition triggers, including crank fired, and has onboard spark control for MSD, GM HEI, others.