Dad's 1966 Dart

i think what your asking is how much is it going to cost you to rebuild a 318. well a straight up estimate would be $600. as a solid base, realizing it could be more

a few years ago i did a 318 much like what i think your describing....nothing wild....but very mild ...very close to stock.

as you know the most imporatant thing is to measure engine parts.....some parts may or may not need extensive service based on how they measure.

i got a kit when i did mine much like this one after it was apart and measured

a few other things i did that a little more was ........the first thing i did was take it apart (measure everything as its coming apart) and took it in to hot tank it....i hate working in grease. while it was there i had cam bearings put in....that was around $60. for hot tank and cam bearing install.

then brought it back and after cleaning out the cylinders ....they did not need overboring...i started assembling from the kit.

mine cost a little more bcoz i did replace vavles bcoz there were some burnt ones ...which is why it was running poorly before.....but even there i used budget auto zone valves ....they do have them LOL

im trying to give an example here to give you an idea........i used all budget auto zone and ebay parts. my build may not be the best in the world but it sure worked bcoz even years later under normal use the engine still runs great....its been to el paso, Tx and back a few times and has good power and gas milage...i topped this one with a eddy 600.