Elelctric cars are boring right??

Unfortunately, I do not think that battery powered vehicles are the future. There are too many issues with batteries including a roughly 20% loss in capacity per year, and long recharging cycles that make them not user friendly. With new oil finds in the US along with new engine technologies, gasoline and diesel engines will provide low cost reliable power for vehicles for decades to come. Toyota and other car makers are moving away from EV's as customer satisfaction is not high. Even hybrid vehicles are falling down in sales.
As for emissions, especially GHG emissions, EV's are worse than gasoline vehicles in states other than California. This is due to the inherent inefficiencies in electricity transporation and recharging of batteries. In CA, an EV is only a 30% improvement in CO2 emissions, and in Colorado, it is 50% worse than a gasoline vehicle. So you are not "saving the environment" by buying an EV, just wasteing money. And considering that Global Warming hasn't happened as the UN states, one wonders why we are even worrying about this at all. Lots of facts behind these statements. Do your research and reach your own conclusions.
This is my areas of expertise as I work in the alternative energy sector.