Installing rubber mat

Rubber mats were not installed with glue. If you insist, use rubber cement or RTV silicone. Otherwise, you may never get the mat back up should the need arise.

Wjajr's tips are good. I use jute padding under carpets and rubber mats, similar to the factory. I've seen it online, in craft stores, fabric stores, and upholstery shops. It's not expensive.

Definitely mark the center line and lay in the mat. Yes a warm mat is more pliable and easier to install. At least lay it out over night to get rid of the creases in it. Once the mat is laid in satisfactorily, cut slits for the floor shifter. Re-settle the mat around the shifter/console mount and re-check the center line of the mat. Go underneath the car to make holes for seat belts and seats. I use soldering iron with a tip that is no longer usable for soldering electrical components. I have found that making the hole in the mat or carpet a little larger than the bolt that passes through it saves me trouble with the threads having stuff wrapped up in them.