After market wire harnesses

i am currently torn between the ron francis bare bonz kit and the painless universal t-bucket kit. they both do nearly the exact same thing. i dont care about using other brand parts. i only insist on using my factory ignition switch. how detailed were the ron francis instructions? if they give me step by step instructions or diagrams to follow then i can do it. i am a novice at this but i gotta learn some day.

The directions are great for the kit I have, all wires are labeled, there is a big diagram of the entire car, and the "bags" of circuit specific wires have a detailed description/diagram for every wire. I think it is a nicer kit than my buddies painless stuff, but thats just me.

I am also a novice at electrical stuff and was worried about install because I am putting a new Hemi in mine... But, it looks like a slam-dunk if you follow the directions and take your time.