Any Musicians in the Mopar house ?

What do you play ? Guitar, bass, drums

How long you been playing ? 25 + years

Influence favorite band's players? too hard to answer that on any given day but generally some sort of aggressive rock.

Gear ? '79 Les Paul Standard Cherry Sunburst; 1983 Marshall JCM 800 100W (2203) modified with EL34 tubes; 1960A 4 x 12 slant cab; 1983 Fender Champ II (Rivera) with pull knob master volume; 2003 Gibson Les Paul Melody Maker worn cherry finish (FOR SALE!); late '60s Fender Bassman cabinet (FOR SALE!) late '70s MXR EQ pedal, ProCo Rat, MXR Distortion +.

Dream gear ? A real deal Marshall Plexi and basket weave cabinet, '58-60 Les Paul Jr. double cut, A real deal Shin-Ei Uni Vibe, early '60s Fender Twin Reverb and the '66 SG I sold about 20 years ago. (One of the great regrets of my life).

Added a pic of myself playing a show, think around '04. I was filling in for my friends band, their guitar player moved away. I no longer have the SG.