Favorite toys as a child ?

AFX ho slot cars,matchbox and hot wheels,cox airplanes/cars,model car kits,GI Joe. But my all time favorites were my bicycles i was not allowed to have any toys that i could get hurt playing with [i was an only child my parents lost a baby 10 years prior to me being born] i was allowed to have all the afore mentioned stuff after 9-10 years old prior to that i was limited to matchbox/hotwheels cars. I was given two bikes which i tore up and dad said no more so i started doing odd jobs to make money and swore i would never walk again with in 18 months i had aquired enough parts to build/purchase 23 bicycles,i had a love for Schwinns, everything i owned was a Schwinn i had many 26" mailman bikes [we called them bombers] the rest were 20" stingray bikes my pride and joys were my orange crate,cotton picker,apple crate which i rarely rode [wish i still had them today].