New Vs Old....Darts

My issue with the 2013 Dart is that they're heavy! IIRC, they're 3300lbs...this is pretty poor for a compact car these days where the industry is shifting to lighter materials and an emphasis on reducing mass (with good reason).

My Dart supposedly weighed 3040lbs when it rolled off the assembly line...and that's with a cast iron V8. Yeah, it's much less safe in a crash, doesn't have AC or power windows... but come on.. :rolleyes:
if it still gets great gas mileage and has good performance (relatively speaking) then who cares how heavy it is?'s like those people who complain about how heavy the new Challengers are, when those new Challengers would spank their cars in every way imaginable*.

*it's ok, I own a Stealth, so I'm sensitive about my (vehicle's) weight lol