Does smokin weed really make you this dumb?

I had a similar. Back in some pretty broke times I had a roomate here and there. I could write an effin' book, LOL.

Anyhow, one nice kid was going to leave because of changes in his college, and so I advertised for another roomie.

This girl calls, so we are on the lookout for her. Now this street is a "T" almost a dead end a 1/2 block from the house, so you can't miss it by far, and I always use that as a landmark.

This dumb broad roared by THREE times in some beat--up Blazer, FINALLY saw us and THEN completely spaced out the nice wide shoveled driveway and waded in off the street through the snow, (more than a foot deep!!!) then COMPLAINED that we hadn't shoveled (where she wanted to walk?)

After the complete space kadett left, my roomie laughed, could barely stand. Told me if I took her in, he'd never speak to me again. I assured him she was not on the "list."