Barn find 72 340 duster

Wow, it has been awhile since I have made a post. Doing some thing but not worthy of photo documentation. House payment, work, overtime, all play into this long process. i have been working on the repair of my sharktooth grille over the last couple of months and I have made some progress that can be shared for other member to try if they are in need of grille repairs. I can't and won't take credit for this process. I read about it somewhere on Moparts and thought i would try it and see how it worked. if anyone reading this thread knows the person who posted this process on moparts, please give him all the credit. In the following pictures you will see how I did this. Took an old mason jar and filled it half way with acetone. took shaving from an old parts grille and put into the jar. the acetone melted the pieces to form a thick glue made of the same type of plastic that the grilles are made of. it took about three days to get the consistency I was looking for. A thick paste that you could work and would allow two or three minutes to work with it before it set up.