Cam selection help

Your right Justin, if a solid was used, with some of your heads:D, and that cam was in it's zone, it would be more stout then the one i was talking about. I'm just making the assumption that these courses are fairly short with slow corners. When John gets some runs in and we get some feedback, i may change my mind.

P.S. We may be splitting hairs here on the power. The Dillinger chassis parts may make the real difference.:thumbrig:

Thanks Justin and Rick. I value your opinions a great deal. Not much of an engine guy here, but eager to learn. Rick for the time being I plan on running street tires and I'm sure the chassis can handle it, but when I go to sticky slicks then I will be installing a cage and tying everything together. You know how it goes, break something and make it stronger. Not talking about my parts of course. LOL