Best CFM carb for a 416????

In lamens , the smaller venturi 'though tapered' adds more air speed at the booster, mixes fuel better and at lower speeds. As for any particular model of 950 being calibrated leaner or richer...that's a different story and in the tunning. I always like tuning towards the leaner side on my street stuff, crisper response all over...maybe in some cases the peak is down a hair, maybe not...
Have the op pay for a dyno test in order to prove this or that, otherwise school yourself on tuning and trial error time is where ull find out.
And the testing in that thread is in the high desert dude..leaner is where u go, hense corrected number based on denser air and other things.
Don't have time for a pissing match, people can latch onto whatever they want. Good luck