Mopar Madness rear axles??

I'll chime in for Cass @ Dr. Diff too. I went with Moser for my axles , but have had a couple other deals with Dr. D , and have been very happy with each one.
His reputation speaks for itself.
You are usually dollars ahead going with a known quantity / entity than rolling the dice and hoping it works out.

Thanks for the responses, folks. That's three endorsements for Dr. Diff and none for anyone else. All three mentioned his better prices, but when I called him his price was about $300.00 higher than Mopar Madness. Plus, I guess the freight from Montana would be higher than from Colorado. I'm a disabled vet on a fixed income, and have to watch my budget. At the same time I damn sure don't want to pick low price and get burned. That's my dilemma.

My knowledge of rear axles, differentials and such comes entirely from reading books, magazine articles and web postings for several years. Over in East Texas, the old timers say "Some folks learn from books, some from watchin' other folks, but some just have to pee on the electric fence for themselves."

Maybe my best approach is to call both vendors and discuss all the issues I can think of, let both of 'em know what the other one said and see if that helps with my decision.

Old Mopars - ya gotta love 'em!