What to do with my gas tank?

Man... I battled with that one as well. Read articles, threads, asked people etc.
Tar paper vs foam rubber? People said the tar paper doesnt hold moisture but the foam rubber is more of a buffer between tank and body.
I dont know which is "best" but I went with the foam rubber. I figured what little moisture could possibly get between there would eventually dry no matter what material you use (I dont take it out in rain). I took a hose to the piece I bought and the water rolled right off it.
Heres a pic of my gastank. And the pad I used was purchased off Ebay:

If youre gonna use the tar paper type- definitely stop by a roofing co. and ask them for a pc of leftover thick/hvy grade tarpaper/felt roofdeck material. Dont pay $20 for it. I think you can buy a whole roll of #30 for $20.