What One Car (doesn't have to be a Mopar) Turned You Into A Gearhead?

Always fascinated by mechanics, gears, pulleys, etc. Taking stuff apart was more fun than playing with them. My first 2 cars were POS 2 cylinder Honda 600's. I had to buy 2 because the first one I bought crapped out on the first ride home! Jumped time but didnt know it. I bought a second 3 weeks later and drove that for 6 months and it went south so I started tinkering (the second one came with a 5 inch thick shop manual in the back!!) and it was either fix 1 car or ride my bike 4 miles to school, up 2 hills.....as a senior? F that! Been a gearhead ever since. Drove it without a starter for 3 weeks while it was getting rebuilt! Dad felt my pain and went halves on a 65 340 Cuda with 9" drum brakes..now there was a death trap!