Friggin people

I'm just whining about what I have to put up with to make a buck sometimes.
I own and operate a local computer business and a woman calls to ask if we have any used computer systems.
We tell her we do and she buys one from us.
A couple of weeks goes by and she calls and says, "Whenever I print something the words come out bigger than they did when I first got the computer".
I end up on the phone with her to tell her that we would have no idea what she has changed to make the printed text larger, and therefore we would not be able to tell her over the phone what to do about it.
I did tell her that we could schedule a service call for her to solve the issue for her.
Then she asks if we do not want to give support for a computer we sold her.

WTF is wrong with people?
Free support on a used computer for user settings that were changed by the person using it?
Free phone or onsite support for a used computer?
GOD I get tired of people sometimes.

Rant over.