Went up there and it looks he's gone for the season. No tire tracks or functional vehicles. It's posted No Trespassing so I can't legally be on that land. I'd have loved to ask him what the problem is, but there was no one there to ask or a door to knock on for that matter.

A few trailers, a large storage shed, a foundation and an old van with no plates and a mopar sticker is pretty much all. The trailers didn't have big enough propane bottles to last more than a couple, three days up there.

I'm sorry to say, but it looks as though you'll have to wait for the RCMP to do their thing through the Sheriff's office here, or sue him. Chances are he's back in North Carolina at his Girlfriend's or Sister's or whatever the hell she is to him. PM me for a lawyer referal, it's all he does is stuff like this. Even if you get a judgment though, you'd still have to collect and that's a whole 'nother matter. Hopefully him and his cohort will spent 5+ years in the pokey for felony wire fraud.