Quitting smoking.

Congrats to you too Mike, I didnt realize you were quitting. I have tried several times and even quit for over 2 years. There are things that "trigger" the cravings...coffee, long drives, beer n alcolhol....oh yeah sex too LOL Gotta try to keep away from the "triggers"...
I have been off of these nasty things for most of this year because of my wife loosing her job back in February and I had, yes had!! a plastic coffee can (large Foldgers coffee container) with dolors and change in it showing my wife to get on board just how much these things cost, plus I had a good saving here at home building up :D
She said she would quite and she used the money to repaint the inside of the house and she said she/us would not smoke in the house.....
needless to say after bought 2 weeks I came home from a car show/swap meet she and my sister inlaw was setting at her computer smoking :pain10:
I was like !! What the he double hockey sticks :protest:
I am older and wiser and know I need to do this for myself and now that she is gone back to work just 5 weeks or so now it keeps me cleaning and I stop and gab here, I need to start another savings and put a sign on it..
:protest::protest::protest::protest::protest: I said no smoking in this house.