She's Killin Me Here ... Could Use Some Tips on Living With the Elderly

I would call the local Hospice. They should be able to point you in the right direction for helping her deal with the grief. I'm sure a trip to the doctor and/or psychiatrist would be helpful, too. She needs to deal with the grief, and some meds may help, too.

Unfortunately, in my experience, as people get older, their sleep habits shift toward getting up early, and going to bed early. That may be something you'll need to learn to deal with. When I'm sleeping in the same house with my nephews, I put in ear plugs. It's the only way I can sleep past 6:00 am.

As far as the TV goes, I don't know what your space is like, but I have a friend whose father was living with them, and he had his own TV, and they had it setup with headphones, so he could blast westerns all day long, and not affect anyone else.

I lived with my father for a while as he was getting older, and it was like we traded places. He was the child, and I was the adult. He did everything he used to yell at us for when we were kids. He'd leave the front door open, stand in the fridge while looking for something to eat, leave lights on all over the house, etc. It was strange. I do think he was starting down the Alzheimer's path, but cancer took him first. I know that after caring for his uncle with Alzheimer's for years, he would have rther gone quickly, like he did.

I like the suggestion that someone else made, too. Check into local options for seniors. I know my grandmother loved the times she got out to socialize after my grandpa died. Unfortunately, she needs to grieve, and can't be forced along. I wouldn't be too freaked out by the nighttime episodes. I'm a sleepwalker. I can have entire conversations with people, and act out dreams. The grief may have kick-started some of this activity for her.

Anyway, good luck. You definitely need to get something figured out.