She's Killin Me Here ... Could Use Some Tips on Living With the Elderly

I feel for ya and know exactly what you are going through.
My Father got up this morning at 3 am, started loading random clothes into a laundry basket, got into his power chair and started to head out the door.
He had pajama bottoms, no shoes, no shirt, and one arm in the sleeve of his coat.
My brother lives with them (Mom and Dad) and his dog woke him up just before he got out of the door.
My father see's people and objects that do not exist and always ask's about them.
He frequently heads into his room to get one of his guns because the house is surrounded by Nazi's or Police. (We already removed the guns because of it)
He gets up early and my brother dresses him (usually a 15-20 min job) because he can't stay focused long enough to put his arm out or pick his feet up, and then he pee's all over the clothes that were just put on and has to be washed up and dressed again.
He accuses us all at one time or another of stealing his money and belongings, and swears he is missing things that he never had.
Yesterday he called my Brother into the room to introduce him to his Mother and apologized for not getting her name.

There are tons of other things, but you get the idea.

He is a vet, and has the benefit of the VA and decent doctors but none of it help to any noticable degree.
My Brother has sworn to be there for as long as they need him so he can live in his own house as long as possible, but it's driving my brother nuts.
He can't work, or go anywhere for any length of time so we trade off when I can get over there.

Things to watch for are,

Halucinations (you know already)
Forgeting who people are
abnormal accusations
using abnormal language (cussing)

Then, even if you know she has issue's someone needs to address it.

(This is stef, greg's wife...sorry you are going thru all this; it is difficult. I would say take her to dr...she prob has medicare. BUT, i'm not sure they can help her unless she needs bloodwork to determine lack of vits or whatnot. Here is what i would try...Extra Virgin Organic Coconut Oil from Philippines. You can get it online at or costco. do some research if you can. make sure you get the good kind or it's pointless. Feed her and you! up to 3 tbsp yes tablespoons a day. mix it in oatmeal or put on vegies. or put in tea or coffee. start as soon as possible. the brain needs this kind of fat!!! the drs won't tell you; i don't think they even know. it will probably take weeks of daily doses. good luck. she might need vitamins also. take care)

Me (Greg) again.
Good point that I was going to make is the bloodwork, as it may be just a nutrition issue or chemical imbalance problem causing the strange behavior.

Here is one link about the coconut oil Stephanie mentioned, that explains it's nutritional and medical benefits.

The doctor for blood work would be the first thing.

After all is said and done though, you may still have to make a really hard decision.

Yes, the sense of humor is a MUST HAVE.