Another mall shooting...

Our judicial system is f--ked up we need to stepup and make the punishment fit the crime americas system of justice has become a bunch of pussys we need to exicute prisoners within 12 months of convictions and televise the exicution [just like the presedential speaches] so these young punks can view what can happen.

While I tend to agree with that, it wouldn't help in these situations. We have a new problem along the lines of the middle east suicide bombers, crazy bastards that open fire and then kill themselves at the end. The total disregard for human life isn't new, the disregard for one's own life is, at least in the western world. This isn't the pissed off guy that kills his wife and then himself, it's killing as many innocent strangers as possible before blowing your own head off. There's no way a sane person can understand this at any level.