She's Killin Me Here ... Could Use Some Tips on Living With the Elderly

You have had a lot of good advice

The best is you have to take care of yourself. Caregivers usually go down quick, trying to do what is best for a loved one.

There is a reason there are health care facilities, no one want to put mom or dad there, but glad they are available when the time comes.

I have seen both sides, had elderly people trying to live alone, and the ones in nursing homes.

For many years I worked at one. The people that work there try very hard to give the best care for your loved one. They also have people there 24 hours a day 7 days a week and 365 days a year, something family members cannot do and still maintain their life

It sounds like Billy's mom needs medical attention, let her doctor make suggestions. If there are other family members or friends that can come in and help, let them.

But your life is changed for ever as long as you are her caregiver.

My brother was in hospital mental ward, we went and got him and brought him home since his wife filed for divorce. He was a handful for my wife who was his main caregiver. I had a hard time dealing with him during this time. Mental issues make life difficult for everyone around. Sleep was difficult for us as he would be up and down day & night.

Good luck and take care of yourself, you are no good to anyone if you are down too.