2012 sucks

I am sorry to hear that 2012 was a bad year for most of you. 2011 will go down for me as one of the worst year of my life at this point. 2012 has been a roll coaster with a ton of bad things and a ton of good things too. Weird, I know.

For me 2012 went like this.....cliff notes...

-Little brother dies in a freak off roading accident
-My little dog gets ran over right in front of me but survives
-finally get back to work and get caught on bills
-tried to work it out with the ex....didn't work
-bought a few new to me toys
-still haven't closed a short sale and might get hit with the taxes on it :[
-found out I have to replace a 100k work truck with no credit and not enough income.
-discovered I have too much crap! lol
-rode the Harley 700 miles one weekend
-met my smokin hot girl friend who is also a total sweetheart :)

There is more good/bad stuff but those are some of the highlights if you will.

I am not looking forward to 2013 at all. Thanks to the f@#ked up Cali government I have to replace my work truck due to new smog regulations. If I don't have a smog compliant truck by 1-1-14, I am out of business. I can't collect unempolyment or anything. :banghead: I am going to use 2013 as a rebuild year. Hopefully it works out.

Good luck to the rest of you guys/gals!