She's Killin Me Here ... Could Use Some Tips on Living With the Elderly

Some good advice here. Best is to get Dr. diagnosis. My Mom had the big A for 10 years before we lost her a year ago. Sounds like early stages of A for your Mom/mother-in-law. It is an evening onset disease in that symptoms get worse at evening/nite. The elderly w A need familiar environment and sameness. She is under stress from loss of her husband and moving in with you. Also mirrors at night give them impression of people in room with her. My Mom would call my brother and tell him there were people in room with her. He lived 30 mile away and would have to drive at night to calm her. In transition she lived w my sister and refered to her as the "lady who takes care of me" not recognizing her as her daughter. She eventually had to live in a nursing home, where the staff treated her very well. Good luck with your situation. Get some sleep and you may have to adjust your sleep habits (or take naps, not that bad once you get over the stigma). Take care of yourselves.