2012 sucks

That, right there, is what a LEADER does. The guy with all the weight on his shoulders goes out of his way to repay his loyal employees, as he himself takes a pay cut.
Those employees of yours are lucky to have a leader like you, not a shallow, money grubbing self centered boss.
Congratulations for your act of kindness.

I can tell you've never been in business for yourself! You don't realize the cost of everything have gone up! Not just for you, but multiply that for your employer! As his costs of doing business & just keeping the place going escallates daily, the fact that he keeps his employees on the payroll is an accomplishment in itself. All the added expense cuts into HIS pay 1st! If you haven't gotten a pay cut in this economy consider it a raise because the other alternative is worse!
I'm glad to hear that some employers are able to give raises to their employees in such bad times for business. I'm sure there are many many more we don't hear about too. That's Great! I'm still giving my employees a Christmas bonus this year even though the numbers are worse this year than 3 years ago because I appreciate the work they do for me & I have good people. But it comes as I have to make hard decisions each day & personal sacrafices to make it happen. Most people DONT get into business for themselves because they are money grubbing or self centered. Usually quite the opposite. Keep in mind all of the sacrafices & risk a boss has to take to get started & many years of struggle to achive a level of sucess that can provide a comfortable life style if he/she is lucky enough. Every new position created or new hire is a risk that is ultimately taken by the employer. In this day & age just having a job is a blessing.

Don't buy into the class warefare rhetoric being spewed out there. It just ain't true & that is what will keep people down! And beleive me I'm no where near the top 2% they speak of. But small business makes the world work.

2012 has been a bad year for many of us, but it's probably not because of your employer when you really think about it. Maybe we just expect too much.