She's Killin Me Here ... Could Use Some Tips on Living With the Elderly

Defiantly find another dr!!!!!!!!! sounds like he is taking things a little to far to bring in
kick back on elderly folks..... wow!! and I thought they (med a care) would investigate
this doctor by now, if not turn him in proto, but in a small town this may not be advisable if there is not another close by leanna..

Keeping yall in my prayers, and so glad to hear you had a well needed nights sleep .

I'm with Mike on this,...If your not comfortable with her Doc, get a second, third or fourth opinion. Insist on It.

We went througn this with my G/ma when she was in her early 80's,....Diagnosed with dementia, Lots of the same symptomes,...My Dad fought with the doctors and the hospital reapeatedly,...His persistence paid off,...He finally got her seen by a Doc who ordered, CAT scan and MRI;s,...found a partially block carotid artery which was restricting blood flow to her brain,...had her operated on, Dropped all her Meds (cause the meds were fighting themselves, this is very common), (re)presribed her for just basic meds,...and It was like a new person,...she became the Nana we all knew before,...She lived to 89,...

Spent her last years in a convelesent home and liked It,...She had a schedule, a social life, and plenty of friends. The staff there knew that her family was watching them, and It made a huge difference in how she was treated. It helped that she was in the local home in the town she spent her whole life in, so she knew everybody.

My Dad feels that without his being a pain in the *** concerning her care, she would have gone a lot sooner, do to misdiagnosis and apathy from the system,...I have to agree with him as I have personally seen this by being an EMT for 25 years,...We both wondered how many of our elderly have been lost cause nobody "really" looked after them and the care they were not getting,...