Shooting at a local school

If you read this PLEASE bow your head to our father in Heaven-Father please be with these familys at this time,We pray that thru this terrible terrible act of hell on your blessed and innocent children that somehow,someway that your mercy and grace fills the hearts of those that lost someone today at this school,We lift these familys up to you Lord and lay this in your hands,We may never know the sick and demented reason someone would do this but we keep our faith in you and your word that you know all things and would never permit a act like this in accordance with your perfect will for our lives,These sick and perverted people in this world are growing here on earth and I pray that you will rightfully judge those who committed this act,Father we praise you for the protection of the other children and we ask that you be with Adam and his family at this time and give peace in this community where this act took place. In your Heavenly name AMEN