to Rally or not to Rally

By now many PPL Know Natasha the 68 Dart and as the Rani-mobile
its my only transportation and she is driven many miles.

well i have an idea about what to do to her next but not sure if its a cheesy idea that will kill the personality of the car or enhance her bad *** factor

That idea is : i have a complete rally dash from a wrecked and parted 68 cuda would it be a good idea to convert a dart to a rally dash or leave the standard sweep she was born with.

i really have no idea why chrysler never offered the option themselves in 67-9 darts

i have already converted to bucket seats and this car is a slanty for now but someday she will get a big girl engine ......but since she is a daily driver now the six is really runs really smooth.

if i do this swap it will happen over two days which will work for me now that im on christmas break from school and i dont really need to be anywhere so i can afford to be without a car for a couple days

so what do you think .....RALLY or NO RALLY

the last pic is an internet pic of what it could be .....
the blue interior is what it is now
and top pic is the car