'71 Dart blinker flasher- $2.48, finding a spot to stick it- priceless!

Aftermarket CD players. Aftermarket trio gauges. No wonder I can't find it. I'll try again tomorrow. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
I think you'll find the signal flasher on the right side of the ash tray hanger.
If you remove the ashtray you'll see either the finger of a metal bracket that the flasher is in or a square plastic tip of the flasher itself. Rotate that on 90 degrees to remove.
Thanks, I will try to check that ASAP. Right now I'm dealing with a Daddy who's in the hospital, a medical profession who couldn't care less, and on a personal note- a job that's fixin' to go away. Thank God my wife is working!

I been needing some spare time.
Yup, they mounted it on the ashtray so the driver can hear it flashing otherwise it'll still work, you just won't be able to hear it and then you'll be cruising down the road with your flasher going like some of the old geezers in Florida.
Lol never trust a person that uses turn signals in florida.....Except me...
Yup, they mounted it on the ashtray so the driver can hear it flashing otherwise it'll still work, you just won't be able to hear it and then you'll be cruising down the road with your flasher going like some of the old geezers in Florida.
Uh, I realize I posted this thread six months ago, but I've just been manually working my blinkers all this time. A few minutes ago I finally went and pulled my CD player out of my dash so I could see both sides of the ashtray and I'm fairly confident in saying that the signal flasher is not mounted there. I even stuck a mirror behind the dash and looked on both sides of the ashtray. Either I'm blind or it's not mounted to the ashtray. Does anybody have any ideas? This may be a silly question, but could it be mounted behind one of the plastic kick panels?
Just stuff it under the dash and zip tie it. No one other than you should be pokin' around under your dash.
there is a metal holder, for lack of a better word, that clips into the ash tray wall and the flasher just pushed into this basket.
Well I dont know if a 71 Scamp is similar at all but in my scamp I had one mounted next to the ash tray like mentioned above. Then I had one just dangling under the dash under the head light switch. I also found another one in between those.. Im still confused why there are 3 flashers in my car? Check far left behind headlight switch, check around the column and then around the ash tray.
Maybe somebody took it out and never replaced it. Look for an "L" shaped plug matching your new flasher with a yellow and a black wire coming out of it.
Just stuff it under the dash and zip tie it. No one other than you should be pokin' around under your dash.

Well, somebody already did that. That's why I couldn't find it. I finally found it laying on the passengers side where the glove box used to be. I pulled the old cardboard glove box liner out yrs ago because it was split and coming apart, so I have no good excuse for not being able to find the flasher, lol. :roll:
The emergency flasher is also in that area so you just need to make sure you get the right one.