Natasha the 68 Dart

4 p.m and so far i got the 4 speed pulled from the other car (the green 69 dart) and Natasha back in the shop and all her auto stuff excised. it was a greasy mess under this car from a leaking valve cover. i took my time with the auto stuff ......even i will prolly never use it i still marked everything and taped the bolts to it and kept everything related together. no sense in raiding it and tossing stuff around like you would in some cheap junkyard dog car.

the auto trans made a pretty good mess coming out .....cooling lines are dreadful ....they just piss themselves so bad, no matter how clean you try to be ......another advantage of manual......with a manual you plug the tail shaft slip yoke opening and no mess. the auto had so many small pieces to mark with kickdown and everything. the 4 speed is not very pretty but its a good running unit ...i actually drove it the shop in the other car :cheers:

Natasha now sits in the garage transmission less ....dont know if im going to do more today know in tired.....mid -20s catching up to me ......i cant work nonstop anymore like i did when i was cub :-P