Best NBA player,you like...

Thug culture??? Wow What makes them thugs?? tattoos?? Some people are so quick to judge those a lot of those guys work very hard to get to where they are hours and hours of practice .100s of hours to perfect their craft just like some of us here spend hours and hours perfecting our craft which is cars . now to call them thugs I think isn't necessary . Not starting anything but as a man who has TATTOOS my self and plays basketball very well mind you I'm far from a thug not starting anything just saying not ok to Judge a person. Sorry to go off topic of the thread.
Favorite player as far as Ivan remember only 22. Is. Michael Jordan .
Now. It is Carmelo anthony

Just where in the hell did I say anything about tattoos or anything like that? I'm a metal head and a musician and you think I judge by look? Really? I go by actions, not looks. Yes, there are quite a few players who work their butts off to become the best athlete they can yet it is rare to see them in the spotlight. However, there are others that believe their $h!t doesn't stink, they are more important than the team, and get in trouble like low life thugs, yet people, and franchises, sponsors, etc., elevate them to God like status and pay them for it. Same goes for the NFL and I love football. Sorry, I won't waste my time nor money supporting it.