Tips for staying married

If you have a project car, some Do's and Dont's for staying married (assuming that's what you desire).

1. Her towels never go in the clothes hamper. They have to mysteriously dissapear.
2. It's not advisable to use her vacuum cleaner to pick up anything that smells like car oil.
3. Do remember to put her hair dryer back where you found it.
4. Get your own dish scrubber for cleaning car parts.
5. Painting in the basement during winter months is not cool.
6. If is snows where you live and you only have a one car garage, you're screwed. EOS!
7. Tell her the truth. "I'm going to work on the car for a little bit" really needs to be, "I'm going to be gone for the next 14 hours."
8. If she doesn't care what you paid for that Sharktooth grille, count yourself among the blessed.
9. You really need to have your own IPAD.
10. Don't ever complain about what she pays for gasoline if you get 12 MPG.
11. Learn to read HER tread wear indicators.
12. Don't ever forget her birthday, anniversary, Valentine's Day or Christmas.
13. If you choose to ignore Rule #12, don't have car parts shipped to the house six weeks before or for six weeks after. Exception: If you are newlyweds, make that six months before or after.
#5 got me into hot water last week. Boiling your carb in lemon water doesn't endear you to her either. I will be installing an exhaust fan in my "paint booth" today.