One Question 12-21-12

Actually, the explanation is that "life as we know it will end"

Hey, selling Hostess did that right?

Really though.
There is said to be a planetary alignment in our solar system on the 21st that the possible affects on the earth are unknown.
The alignment of five of our solar system's planets only happens every 26,000 years.
A possible polar shift is one theory of what happens on 12/21/12, and a reverse of the poles is another theory.

The problem with both of these theories is, there will be no alignment on 12/21/12.

One of the other theories is that man will strive to be more intelectually and spiritually enlightened.
(Instead of the "End of the world" more the end of "life as we know it")

Who knows what it could mean. (Life as we know it)
Maybe the US senate will start doing what "The People" want done, and do it in a timely manner with no self serving interests.