Is it worth it

ok you're not gonna like this reply. but we have all been there and opinions will vary....

at 17 years old i say no its not worth it for you to be keeping the car and fixing it up.. it cost way too damn much money to be playing with these rust buckets. we all have dreams of what we want one of these cars to look like when done. but reality is the money to get it there is just nuts. at 17 what are you making? close to min wage? hell you can probably barley keep gas in the thing...

my advice to you is, sell the car. buy something more on the maintenance free side that is a lot better on gas. finish your education, get established in a job, travel and see the country, save,save and save money then find a car to play with. looking back i really wish that is what i would have done.. the money i wasted on my cars was just nuts. and that was back when you could get a spotless dart for $800 and every junk yard in the area had 30 abodies laying around. but i was 17 and knew everything. didn't listen. lol.
You know i have to say . I dont agree wiith you . No disrespect ment here . But when i was growning up . theres so much to get a kid introuble thes days . There was not a day in school that i didnt see drugs I didnt see knifes /guns . Now when your out under a car you aint doing durgs or gettinginto trouble . It turned out i made only one true friend outta school and that was chuck i call him my brother . We Spent are nights In a shop or in a drive way with are feet hanging out of a car/truck . No telling what would have come from us if are dads and moms didnt let us . Yup ive smoked pot yup i drank like a fish for a year . But cars and famliy and that one friend helped me pull though it all . Ive been sober 6 years now . Is it woth it yes i think so . Now if your trying to do a show car not really but for what me and my brother chuck did hell ya . Do it to drive it ! We took things and made them rock for what little money we had did we make money when we sold them why hell no . Joe i think you have got alittle hard in you age bud . You never know he my be like me I dont want to see the world . I have no need or want to i would like to go see a few members . But cars is what makes me want to do that . What i want to do is stay home and work on my Barracuda . But being as messed up my body is i cant do that right now . Cars are my life . If tey are his life then hell yes do it . If there not rethink your plan bud