Is it worth it

i say if you dont have the money to fix it...still keep it dont eat and if you have somewhere you can keep it.

if you have it there the money will come for comes and goes even if slowly.
if you keep it...your priorties will reflect how bad you want it .....when i was younger i wanted the old car so i never partied or much does that cost? i have seen ppl spend hundreds a weekend on booze and parties.....if thats what you want then thats cool too.....but if you keep the car your going to have to be honest with yourself as whats really important.

i even streamlined my hobbies down to the car hobby so free up resources for it. while other girls were buying expensive clothes and the latest phones.......heres Rani with cheaper wal-mart clothes or i made my own mostly and no phone LOL

i knew what i wanted and nothing was going to stop me and no one was going to take it from me and now looking back it mega paid off bcoz now i have a car collection from years of hounding. Most of my friends drank, got pregnant and did whatever and now really have nothing to show for the time. i am so greatful now i had the cars to have a real goal to shoot for and i saved myself and stayed out of trouble. So what im saying is believe it or not that car can be your best friend in more ways than one and you may not see that clearly until much later .....but i say keep it if you can....once its gone its gone....its easy to say "i will get another one later" but thats not gaurenteed.