Are there any real Mopar machinests left ???

Just because he's old don't mean he knows his chit. I've ran into that with a lot of guys that just because they have gray hair doesn't mean they are good at their craft. You want a C student surgeon doing surgery on your wife or kid?

Aint that the truth...

I recently got introduced to an older gentlemen that was supposedly "an old racer from the '60s". I thought I was in for some cool racing stories, but all he spewed was alot of the same ignorant crap I've heard many times before. One thing he tried to tell me that I just couldn't let slide went something like this: "Small blocks make more horsepower than big blocks, due to the shorter stroke, and will always beat em off the line."

After 10 minutes of trying to reason with him and talk about facts and logic, I had to thank him for a nice talk and walk away.