Boycott Sears

But they do have a reason,...It's called the bottom line,...If you live and work in an area thats a little slower (retail wise), then It sucks to be you,...If they can ship it out for repair to save $1.19, then it sucks to be you. With reasoning like this, It's no wonder Joe Lunchbox don't stand a chance, no matter what he does or doesn't do..

An Employee is just a number to the corporate beanies,...ask anyone who worked for AT&T (another texas tragedy),...Its all about the bottom line,...As long as the shareholders are happy then It sucks to be Joe Lunchbox,...Hell, even corporate managment has a high turnover rate,...(this used to be unheard of)...

I learned a looooong time ago in the dealership business that if a business that sells could cut out the repair end of their business they would, in a heartbeat, best, it's a break even proposition for the bottom line,...

Meaning this,...If a Widgit company only had to sell Widgits and not have to worry about repairing Widgits,...there would be no Widgit repairmen....

So when Sears only sells crap and won't repair It, they're hoping you'll just buy more crap.,...Hell Walmart thrives on this philosophy....

Your right to a point BUT in this case they are hurting their bottom line. Sears sells a appliance and the customer needs it installed if the salesman tells the customer i can sell you this dishwasher But i cant install it for you 9 times outa 10 that customer is going else where to purchase their appliance where they can buy it and have it installed in one shot. Now how is that benefitting Sears bottom line? Also you buy a appliance from sears and have it installed the installer doesnt get all the money if their REAL lucky they get half so they sell install for $100 the installer gets $50 theres another $50 sears has lost on not counting what they profit from the sale of the appliance.