Boycott Sears

,...Good question,...prolly outa ask them that,...

I can't speak for the install part, cause I do that stuff myself,...I'm not the brightest bulb in the pack, but I'm not stupid or lazy, and (thank the lord) still physically able...

I was gearing my comments towards the repair end of the biz, as thats what I've done my whole life,...

I guess I'm just totalley sickened with the way Corporate biz runs these days,...To lay off a guy before the holidays???...Really???Ya couldn't have waited a month or so, or maybe done it a few months previous????...All so some bean counter can make his Exec boss look good and get his 5 mill bonus,....It's a moral travesty that the american public is totally apathetic about, long as they get theirs, they could care less...

I'll be drivin by Sears and not stopping while I'm finishing up my shopping this morning,..My meager amount of American Dollars will be spent on the local's...