My New FABO Reality Show...Rani, I'ma Callin' You Out!!!

I have a chrome water pump pulley (1960 valiant)-- trying to figure out how to make it into a trophy for the winner, similar to the Stanley cup-- travels to the new winner each event-- suggestions? I'm trying to get FABO # 1 imprinted on the face --so it can become garage art for a time.

my thoughts are this is small --chrome & e-z to ship so it could move from place to place relatively cheap.

Oooooh, thats got potential there Lawrence!!! Gotta have something like one of those big foam #1 hands holding up a finger, only smaller, like a manequin hand with a greasy glove over it, like you know, for "The Gauntlet"!!!

I can hear the acceptance speeches now..."I'd like to thank everybody who gave a helping hand".....