My New FABO Reality Show...Rani, I'ma Callin' You Out!!!

Whoa, great info from camp Rani on the safety regs enacted in 68. Looks like she's trying to "sway" public support here folks!!!

And the trophy...nice photoshop job there 73D, or should I say "Oscar"!!!LOL!!

Now, with the fresh info and huge public support for camp Rani, cosgig has put together the first ever holiday special here on "The Gauntlet", in a futile attempt at damage control. Grab a Christmas cookie and strap yourself in the sleigh and follow along. Cue the Christmas music Johnny!!!....

T'was the night before Christmas, and all through the house, gas fumes were rising, from the garage no doubt!!

Outside in the work bay, a clammering was felt, from old Christmas cosgig, and one tiny elf!!

Mrs. C was enlisted to follow along, but only in pictures, she wouldn't join us in song!!

The dash bolts were loosened from the body with care, in hopes that no damage to the car would occur!!

The last bolt was loosened, it was finally free, after 2 long years in planning, or maybe it's been THREE!!

As the elf grabbed at one end, and Christmas cosgig the other, the whole thing was lifted and placed on foam rubber!!

As party time approaches, we had to put out the light...

So from cosgig, the elf, Nella and Mrs. C, have a great Christmas night!!!

Good night everybody, we'll see you next time here on "The Gauntlet"!!! Geof