Boycott Sears

That would make me wonder what the other side of the story after hearing he is now banned from working for even another contractor.

There ALWAYS is two sides to every story.....sometimes there is three.....

Sounds like someone's feathers got ruffled so I would see if I could figure out who and why. Many times it is a communication break down that causes a road block. This happened after you got the new van that is lettered with your company name instead of Sears. Could this be the issue? Here every service truck I have seen of has came to my location have had Sears decals on it.

My son in law and his father are siding contractors for Lowes, Home Depot, other companies as well as have their own company but who ever they are working for they must wear their company shirts and use the magnetic decals for that company. They almost lost one contract over the decals not being on their truck which left their company name for the customer to see. They learned about having all their eggs in one basket when they were working just for one company because they were under bid by another contractor. That contractor's work was crappy so about six months later the companyhired them back but it could happen again without warning. This time they don't have all their eggs in the same basket should it happen.

No matter why this happened, I wish you all the best and for something much better to come along that will provide a stable and well paying job for your family.

if you're self employed and just lost Sears as a customer then I have been there, I lost a client that took 75% of my business with it... It crushed our family company, but in the end it made us focus on having more eggs in my basket which we have done and we are a more stable company...

From the quote you did above. "I was a contractor at will."