Christmas Dinner

12lb Prime Rib, mashed potatoes, broccoli casserol, sweet potatoes with brown sugar topping, layered jello pudding, pumpkin pie, chocolate pie and a whole bunch of snacks, so many it would take too long to type them. So many cookies and baked goods that it isn't right! My wife and Mom who lives in our guest house go nutzz on the cooking and baking.

We do every holiday for our family at our house cause nobody else can cook to save their life. I refuse to go to their houses cause it is that bad. We do fresh everything unlike my sister in law who lives out of a can and microwave. At thanksgiving my wife asked her to bring mashed potatoes and she asked how do you make them? That is how bad she cooks, mashed potatoes are you serious?? Her husband will not eat any of her food, he totally pigs out when he comes here.