so what did u buy yourself for christmas

Well, This is the future of watching TV my friend. Most newer TV's have some sort of Hulu or Netflix built into them. What these services do is stream these "channels" off the internet but that is all they do. This little $50 box is an embedded computer on a card and it allow you to watch these and hundreds (and more in the future) of internet streaming channels without sitting at your computer. It directs them to your TV ad you scroll through the channels and add them to your streaming device (Roku, Netgear, Buffalo, etc) then you just scroll through the channels you have pick what you wanna watch and start watching them. Imagine a pay per view library on cable/FiOS or satelite where you pick them and start watching them, but these are mostly free channels, and you can still pause and FF the streams. Need a decent 1.5Mb or better internet provider and a wireless router (3.3Mb for HD) but most everyone can get this rate of service either through DSL or Cable modem.
You can even stream your own channel..home made porno's sent to your Frat buddies on a private channel! Yeah, sure.
They are on a "USB" stick now. Just plug it into your HDMI input on your modern TV and you got it all...

thank u