Can you believe this?

I am sure most if not all on this site love this country.

It is not about disliking this country it is about being saddened by the decay of its stature and ideals.

As I get older and have been observing the political and sociobehavioural environment for 30+ years, I see a persistent slip towards massive invasion of privacy, severely dwindling freedoms, bureaucratic and political legislative interventions into the personal life's of all the Americans who have known a higher standard of free life and are seeing that slowly being diluted by hysterical meanderings of unqualified politicians and the persistent childish ideals of mass stupification.

Happy New Year

It's not an invasion of privacy. Everyone on that map willingly applied for a permit and by doing so willing accepted the fact that, that permit, would become public record.

If you poke yourself in the eye (to see what it feels like) and end up with a sore eye, don't blame the neighbor.