
Being a "true Christian" doesn't mean you follow the bible 100% perfectly. It would be impossible for us. But what Christ teaches us is to keep trying to become perfect. To follow him & His teachings. His expectations of us are not to be perfect in this world all at once. But as some have said you reflect on yourself & concentrate on your own course corrections to get back on track & follow Him. Our imperfections are our own crosses to bear. He died for our sins so we don't have to die for them nor (figuratively speaking) keep killing our neighbor over his sins either. Baptism is a life long journey. We enter into heaven perfect, but we don't walk this earth in perfection. God's love for us is the only perfection we need. It is perfect & without conditions placed upon it. We need to 1st adopt an attitude of gratitude toward GOD & His love for us. Then by his grace we start to, step by small step, walking a more narrow path toward righteousness. We then can develop gratitude for our fellow man & forgive his imerfections. Realizing that but for the grace of GOD there go I.
I can only say that I know where I've been & where it could have led to. But God in his grace put enough people, in my way at times, in my corner at others & looking back I give him all the glory & credit. I know I'll still mess up. I know I still have a long way to go. But I know that my redeemer lives & he is there for me.
I'm not a preacher, I don't consider myself a "Bible thumper", I'm just an ordinary schmo who has been blessed & by GOD's grace & some dumb luck I realize it. Not nearly as I'm sure I should, but hey I'm trying.