
Everyone behaves in a hypocritical way from time to time, even "atheists". Hypocrisy is not who you are, it's how you act and your attitude. You can't be an angry but you can behave in an angry way, or even have an angry attitude. Why do atheists use the Lords name in vain when they profess not to believe in Him? If He didn't exist then the name would be meaningless. If they were not hypocritical they should cuss in the name of Darwin or something.

That's not a great example though. Swearing has nothing to do with beliefs or reality. If the common phrasing was "unicorn damnit", A-cornists like myself would still be saying "unicorn damnit". And saying it wouldnt mean unicorns exist, the phrase would still have meaning because presumably, there would be people that believe in unicorns.