Something you never want to see on a scan of your wife's lung

UPDATE: Linda & I met with the surgeon today after she had her breathing test. She scored a 93 which impressed the surgeon. He feels confident about the end result from surgery and speculated that her breathing should be about 81 after removal of the upper right lobe. A acceptable number is 40, so that sounds great. This all depends if nothing else is found during the procedure, but at this point i'm happy about what we're hearing. If everything goes as well as expected, there's a good possibility that no chemo or radiation will be required afterwards, just a 4 to 6 week period to get the most function back to breathing, energy levels and pain from the ribs. The surgery is scheduled for Wed. Jan 9. so we have time to process it all and comfort the kids and family that the outcome will be positive. We both are very comforted that the FABO family has our back with your thoughts and prayers. If anything changes i will let you guys know.

Thank you so much, Rick & Linda

Our prayers have been with you and Linda Rick, I looked threw this thread and I know I posted a prayer for Linda and you , one of the things that I did I guess, This is great news to see this day, and Treva and I are keeping positive thoughts threw prayer for her, stay strong and let me post a prayer again here asking for strength and wisdom to all that will be taking care of Linda