My Third Times A Charm 69 Dart Swinger

My story starts in 1974 when I purchased my Swinger from a friend of mine. An original 4 speed low option car with standard black bench interior, red paint and a white stripe. It did have factory hood pins a wood grain wheel and bumperettes. I immediately painted it hemi orange with gold pearl and did a 70's diamond tuck interior. I drove it 5 years and made a decision to turn it into a show car :banghead:. After a lot of time and money and the beginning of a family I decided to bring it back to street condition as a fun car with low gears, a stout 340 and a Super Stock hood:burnout:. I almost made it and sold the car in 1990 unfinished but running when my son was born. I hated to see it go but the nagging was way out of hand at home. I missed my car and wanted it back badly but had lost touch through the years where it went. Fast forward to 2004. A guy called that had tracked me down through the title and was thinking of buying it. I gave him all the info and asked him to give me the sellers name if he decided not to buy. Two weeks later I was loading my baby on a trailer and bringing it home. I was single now and swore never to sell the car again. I started on it a year later, remarried in 2008 (yes my new wife likes cars):cheers: Work slowed for a couple of years while my wife battled cancer but now she is better and I'm back on it. She supports my work and we hope to finish it in 2013. Sorry for the long story, but how many times do you sell a car, kick yourself in the *** then get it back 15 years later? This has been my love affair with my Dart. The following pics are from 1974. I'll post more from the second rebuild and then show where I'm at today.