Wiper Motor

You need to look up a wiring diagram for the make and model of the van and see which wires are which.
Usually there is one normal "run/positive" wire and as you power the other wires they add to the motor power giving the higher speeds.
(they have multiple sets of windings in them, and the more windings you power, the faster the motor turns) so connections of the wires are pretty critical for normal operation.

Thanks. This is what I was thinking. I'm having trouble finding wiring diagrams, as they seem to be something nobody wants you to have. I'll try looking more under different vehicles because it seems to be have been used for vans and trucks.

My goal is to find a cost effective alternative for a wiper replacement for older mopars. Also I made a intermittent wiper delay board and I would like to attempt to incorporate that. These boards can be purchased online from electronic hobby websites in case anyone is curious.