What was your best year?

have had a lot of great years. can't call one the best though they were all great for different reasons..

1986 got my drivers license. that summer was awesome. had my own car and now freedom..

1987 i graduated hs.

1988 got my first real job making decent money. ( a lot more then my friends at the time) also bought my first new vehicle.

1995 my son was born.

late 90's had a ton of fun with my boy and my friends. roller hockey, soft ball, bar hopping just never slowed down.

early 2000's met jamie.

2008 my daughter was born. (man was a boy a lot easier..lol)

last couple of years. got a new supervisor at work which has made the job a lot easier and more laid back while still getting the same work done... we have been doing a lot of traveling, trying to see the country some. still a lot to see.

i'm sure there is a lot more that i just can't think of right now..